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Creating an invoice



  • Julie Maynard

    Is there a way to have the tax pre-assigned to the service? I am a single therapist clinic so the tax applies on every treatment. Less clicks would be awesome :)

  • Ryan

    Agreed!  We actually have auto-selecting tax coming in a future update (likely next week).  You don't have to set the tax rate, it will learn over time.

  • Marcel Rawlings

    In Australia we have to put our ABN and Health provider numbers on the invoice. Is there somewhere i can do this or do i need to put it in the notes every time i create an invoice? Thanks

  • Ryan

    You can put in the ABN (login as admin) by clicking on the gear icon (top right header), and under the Clinic Settings heading click on Details.  You can put in your ABN number in the Business Number field.

    You can put in your Health provider number (login in as practitioner) by clicking on the gear icon, and under the User Account heading click on Details.



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